real estate investor celebrating freedom on hike overlooking canyon

Flipping Vs Renting: Which Investment Strategy Is For You?

There’s no predefined path in real estate investing - and that’s one of the aspects that makes it so exciting. You get to pick which investment style best suits you, based on your personality and skill set.

property flipping vs renting

Two of the many strategies in investors’ playbooks? Renting and flipping. 

Which one (or are they both) is for you? Let’s dive in to find out.

Defining the Terms: Flipping and Renting Explained

Before we get going, let's clarify what we mean by 'flipping' and 'renting'. 

House flipping involves buying a property, enhancing its value through renovations or other improvements, and selling it for a profit. 

On the other hand, renting is about acquiring a property to lease it out for generating a steady stream of income.

The Pros And Cons Of Flipping A House


young couple flipping vs renting a property

The Allure of Quick Returns: Benefits of Flipping Houses

House flipping appeals to investors for a multitude of reasons;

Immediate Profits

The obvious attraction of flipping houses comes in the form of immediate profits. By purchasing a property below market value, investing in strategic improvements, and reselling at a higher price, flipping can generate a tidy profit in a relatively short time frame.

Market Independence

When you’re flipping a house, you're less tied to the long-term market conditions. Since the goal is to sell quickly, your primary concern is the current demand, enabling you to cash out before any potential downturns.

The Thrill of Transformation

The process of improving a property can be deeply rewarding. You're adding value, not just to the property, but potentially to the whole neighborhood, which can be both financially and personally fulfilling.

The Flip Side: Risks Associated with House Flipping

Despite its appeal, house flipping isn't risk-free:

Financial Uncertainty

Flipping requires a significant upfront investment. Unforeseen renovation costs, longer-than-expected holding periods, or a drop in the market value can evaporate your profits or even lead to losses.

Time and Effort

Flipping a house isn't a passive investment. It requires a significant commitment in terms of time and effort, especially if you're involved in managing renovations.

Market Volatility

Quickly changing market conditions can significantly affect your flip. Despite the small window of time, a significant market event that quickly disrupts housing demand can obviously make it harder to sell and recoup your investment.

The Pros And Cons Of Renting Houses


realtor holding keys of property to flip or rent

Playing the Long Game: Advantages of Renting

Renting properties is a different ball game with its unique benefits:

Steady Cash Flow

Renting a property provides a regular, stable income stream. As long as you have tenants, you can expect monthly rental income to cover your expenses and generate profit.

Property Appreciation

Over time, property is highly likely to increase in value. This means when you choose to sell, you can potentially profit not only from the property's appreciation, but from the rental income you've earned on it as well.

Tax Advantages

With rental properties, you can enjoy several tax benefits, including deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, operating expenses, depreciation, and repairs.

Cons of Renting: Not Always Smooth Sailing

However, being a landlord isn't always easy:

Maintenance and Repairs

As a landlord, you're responsible for maintaining the property. This means budgeting for routine repairs, emergency fixes, and potentially costly property upgrades. 

One way to ease the strain of maintenance and repairs would be to hire a property management company to handle this side of things.

Vacancy Periods

A rental property only generates income when it's occupied. Finding reliable tenants and minimizing vacancy periods is a constant challenge.

Legal Issues

Being a landlord comes with legal responsibilities. You must understand and comply with housing regulations, local landlord-tenant laws, and ensure your property meets safety standards.

More Things To Consider In Buying Vs Flipping


Know the Market: Flipping or Renting


The decision to flip or rent largely depends on your local real estate market. 

A comprehensive market analysis that will help you decide which route to go should include:

Supply And Demand

Understanding the demand and supply dynamics in your chosen area is critical. High demand coupled with low supply can create a favorable environment for flipping. Stable demand and high rental rates might make renting a more appealing option.

Neighborhood Characteristics

The specifics of the neighborhood - from schools and amenities to crime rates and future development plans - can significantly affect property values and rental demand.

Economic Indicators

Consider broader economic indicators, like job growth and population trends. These factors can influence the long-term prospects of your investment.

The Money Factor: Financing Flipping vs Renting

Different financing options can sway your decision between flipping and renting:

Financing for Flipping

Hard money loans, which are short-term, interest-only loans, are often used in flipping due to their quick approval times. However, they come with higher interest rates.

Financing for Renting

Traditional mortgages are commonly used for rental properties. These loans have longer terms and lower interest rates, but they require a good credit score and a more substantial down payment.

Your Personal Style: Are You a Flipper or a Landlord?

Your personality and investment style are crucial factors in determining which route to go;

The Go-Getter Flipper

If you thrive on quick wins, enjoy hands-on work, and have the ability to manage high-stress situations, flipping might be your game.

The Patient Landlord

If you prefer steady growth, have a knack for building long-term relationships, and are capable of dealing with different types of people (tenants), becoming a landlord might be more your speed.

Tax Implications: Flipping Houses or Renting

The tax impacts of flipping and renting are also significantly different:

Flipping Taxes

Profits from flipping are typically treated as ordinary income, so you'll likely pay at your standard tax rate. However, if you flip houses frequently, you may be considered a dealer, which could lead to self-employment taxes.

Rental Taxes

Rental income is also taxable, but landlords can take advantage of numerous deductions. Plus, you may benefit from depreciation, which allows you to deduct a portion of the cost of the property over several years.

Due Diligence: Not Just a Catchphrase

In real estate, due diligence is your best friend. This involves thoroughly examining and understanding all aspects of the property, from its structural integrity to its location and the local market dynamics. 

Location, Location, Location: It Really Does Matter

Choosing the right location for your investment is pivotal. The neighborhood's characteristics can significantly influence the success of your investment, whether you're selling after a quick flip or renting out for the long term. 

Building an Exit Strategy: Plan for the Unexpected

real estate investing exit strategy

When it comes to real estate investing, one of the cardinal rules is to always have an exit strategy. This means having a clear plan for how you intend to recoup your investment if things don't go as planned.

Why an Exit Strategy Matters

Think of an exit strategy as your safety net. It ensures you're prepared for any market fluctuations, unexpected expenses, or changes in your personal circumstances. Having an exit strategy can help mitigate potential losses and protect your investment.

Types of Exit Strategies

The best exit strategy depends on your individual circumstances and investment style, but here are some common options for both flipping and renting:


  • Sell: The most common exit strategy for flippers is to sell the renovated property for a profit.
  • Rent: If the market isn't favorable for a sale, you might consider renting the property. This can provide an income stream until the market conditions improve.
  • Lease-to-own: This option allows a tenant to rent the property with the option to buy it. It provides rental income and the potential for a future sale.


  • Sell: If being a landlord isn't working out or the market conditions are favorable, you can choose to sell the property.
  • Hire a Property Management Company: If managing the property becomes too time-consuming or stressful, hiring a professional can relieve some of the burdens.
  • Rent-to-own: As mentioned earlier, a rent-to-own agreement could also be an exit strategy for rental properties, offering both immediate rental income and a future sale.

Having a solid exit strategy doesn't mean you expect things to go wrong. It means you're a smart investor who's prepared for any eventuality. Remember, the best investors aren't those who take no risks—they're the ones who manage their risks wisely.


The Takeaway: 

Only you can determine your investment strategy. And after you pick an investment strategy - it’s time to arm yourself with the right knowledge and tools. Realeflow’s all-in-one investing tools, from a CRM to comping tool and more - gives you the arsenal you need to go after your investing passion full force.

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